Q&A: is it wrong for me to wear a bikini because I am Christian?

Question by shycutie95: is it wrong for me to wear a bikini because I am Christian?
i know my body is the temple of GOD & i feel as if im not doing anything wrong because im not putting any tattoos or piercings or you know abusing my body. but my dad is like “Oooh you’re a Christian you’re not supposed to be wearing short skirts, shorts, and dresses & exposing your body” and im like “really? because the bible doesn’t really say anything about that, plus im not exposing my body, im covering myself, just not fully. right ? oh man I just don’t know ! please help !

Best answer:

Answer by Arizona Gamer
That’s ridiculous. If there is a god, he gave you free will for a reason. To do as you see fit.

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