Check out these hot female body images:
Phicen “Hot Toys Tan” Seamless Medium-Bust Body
Image by edwick
Full body shot of the Phicen "Hot Toys Tan" medium bust seamless body. This has the latest and greatest body design, so if you’ve read my comments about the medium-bust bodies, they all apply to this one as well.
1/6 Action Figure Height Comparison: Hot Toys True Type, Kaustic Plastik KP02, and TTL female body
Image by edwick
Left to right: Stalker, Roadblock, and the Baroness, in a lineup to show off heigh differences between basic body types. Stalker is a Hot Toys True Type Slim, Roadblock is the Kaustic Plastik KP02, and the Baroness is a TTL (in heels).
Not quite as drastic as I thought it would be, but you can see that Roadblock clears the 6-foot mark, Stalker falls just under it (minus the beret), and the Baroness is hitting about 5’7" or so.
Image by mislav-m