No, looking at the 'perfect body' on Facebook isn't making you depressed

No, looking at the 'perfect body' on Facebook isn't making you depressed
perfect female body The perfect female body, according to women in a survey conducted by the lingerie company Bluebella: Kate Middleton's hair, Cara Delevingne's face, Jennifer Aniston's breasts and Gwyneth Paltrow's stomach. According to men – well, …
Read more on The Guardian

Here is the perfect male and female body according to males and females
If you ask men and women what they think the perfect body is, you're going to get two very different answers. It's fascinating, really. UK lingerie company Bluebella surveyed men and women on the "perfect" man and woman using celebrity features and …
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What the Perfect Female Body Looks Like — When You Ask Men vs. Women
U.K. lingerie company Bluebella surveyed 1,000 men and women to see which celebrities each gender considered to have the ideal physical traits. It then Photoshopped Frankensteinian composites of different celebrities' parts to create "the perfect body.".
Read more on PolicyMic

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