Q&A: Is it common for people to never have to pluck or wax their eyebrows ever?

Question by Scarlett Red: Is it common for people to never have to pluck or wax their eyebrows ever?
I am 18 and a female, and I have never gotten my eyebrows waxed or plucked, because I never have needed to like they are arched naturally and a decent size, but all my friends are always getting their eyebrows either waxed or plucked like every couple of weeks, and I feel weird because I never have gotten that, are there some women who chose never to have their eyebrows done but still have nice eyebrows?

Best answer:

Answer by Kagome
Very normal 🙂 Only like 4 people in my family have and the rest of us have nice eyebrows.
Mine are shaped beautifully and I’ve never touched them

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How can I make my face look less chubby?

Question by Rachel: How can I make my face look less chubby?
I have a skinny body, but I have a chubby face. How can I make it so it’s doesn’t look that way?

Best answer:

Answer by C3A9R9Y7N
Contour and Highlight

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Ladies, which is more importiant: A handsome face or a hot body?

Question by Elliott: Ladies, which is more importiant: A handsome face or a hot body?
Let’s say that you have the choice between a guy with a really handsome face but an average body and a guy with a really hot body but only an average face.

Holding everything else equal, which would your prefer!

Best answer:

Answer by the demoiselle
handsome face!

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What are the perfect female measurements?

Question by Neil Clark: What are the perfect female measurements?
I’m 39-33-39. Then again I’m only 17. I’m not sure if I should lose weight but everyone tells me that I’m fine the way I am. I don’t want to be too tiny,though. What do you think?

Best answer:

Answer by WTF

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